When I drove my boys to nursery every morning over a number of years, we used to sing a medley of "SUNSHINE" songs. I know that probably sounds a bit cheesy but if it had been particularly tricky getting 3 little boys dressed, breakfasted and into the car, singing these songs would calm us all down and cheer us all up - we (or I, at least) would sing them at the top of our voices!
The medley included "The sun has got his hat on", "Que sera sera" and "You are my sunshine". I am not sure I knew the correct lyrics, I mostly sang choruses rather than verses and slightly made it up as I went along!
I have made a number of pendants in the past couple of years with these and other words :
With spring springing up again and some sunny days lately, a new pattern came into my mind and I felt inspired to make another one.