I am really looking forward to being part of the Great Coxwell Christmas Fair again this coming Sunday.
I have been keeping myself cheery as I organise all my things for the Fair - whilst also getting excited at the prospect of spending Christmas in Sweden this year (yes!) - by listening to the smiling ShakinStevens as he bounces along in the snow! (You might enjoy spotting me on the way to Sweden as well as Shakin's excellent Christmas jumper and a bunch of very on-trend 'micro-fringes' as well).
And I have been putting together a sweet collection of jewellery plus a few vintage bits and bobs to sell - all could be lovely Christmas presents. Have a look over in the Shop.
I had a particularly fruitful time in Somerset last week - I went to Bruton with a great chum down there (who, with her husband, created and now runs the wonderful Silk Mill Studios in trendy Frome) - and she had arranged with the owner of a little antiques shop to open it just for us! The shop specialises in silver and, some time ago, they had bought up the contents of an old jewellery shop and had these tantalising and magical trays of vintage silver charms and vintage silver lockets. I could not resist the lockets and bought 4 of the tiniest.
I have got secret word rings, the prettiest of pendants, cool silver disc earrings, new matt glass beads strung into necklaces - all sorts of goodies for your delight.
Finally, another great friend practically lost the will to live in her attempt, in 36 degrees, to fulfil my request for her to obtain some more miniature Moroccan boxes from the souk in Marrakesh - I hope to go back there myself one day but until then, the task will fall to whoever I can persuade to haggle for me when they are there. I am incredibly grateful to her for getting these gorgeous little boxes and they are also for sale. Imagine unwrapping one of those and finding a lovely piece of jewellery hidden inside - what a perfect present for anyone!
Secret word ring: "SMILE"
Plus - you are always very welcome to contact me direct and come and have a look at what I have in stock or what I might be able to make for you... Merry Christmas, everyone! x